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Subject: you check labels more than the FCC | Sunday, October 05, 2008
so i modeled for a vintage clothing business in paso today:]]

today started at 6:00 am when i woke up. i went to bed at like 3 so i had 3 hours. my father and i got on the road by like 7ish.
when we got to ag, he was like 'you want a starbucks?' and im like 'uh thanks dad.' [i quit starbucks] heh
so we went to jamba juice instead and we both tried a wheatgrass shot plus a drink. wheatgrass isnt as completely disgusting as i thought it would be. its way good for you too. so we kept going after that, and we found the place reallyy easily which was good.
anywayssss, i put on a bunch of outfits, took a lot of pictures, even got to draw with chalk on a door. i wore like 3 inch heels which was crazy. haha
and i had to leave a bit early because i had to make it to work on time, but we stopped on the way to go to costco and get samples:], and little ceasars to get FOOD. ugh i missed food. so yeah i got to work and they were like 'well its too rainy to keep the skatepark open so you can go home'
no joke today was severely epic.
PLUS i got to hang out with alyssa for the rest of the day :]]]]]]] <33


Layout By Moorepocket . Images From Elegance Pixelfied
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